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Saturday, January 2, 2016

The numbers for 2015

I've added up my minutes hiked for 2015 and it is the lowest in three years. I'm not sure why, but I simply wasn't in to hiking as much in 2015. Probably it is because I got to travel to Spain and Alaska this year which scratched my adventure itch. I did very little backpacking, other than the yearly trip in May to Baker Lake and a trip to Shi Shi Beach in August. I was also happier in my personal life so I wasn't feeling the need to hike off any angst. I think it has literally been decades since I've had a year that I've enjoyed more than 2015.

That said, here's the numbers. I typically count every 25 minutes as a mile. I've discovered that is pretty consistently the pace that I hike.

January - 26 miles, 646 minutes
February - 12 miles, 305 minutes
March - 17.8 miles, 445 minutes
April - 45.5 miles
May - 40 miles, 1000 minutes
June - 29 miles, 719 minutes
July - 12.8 miles, 320 minutes (This is the actual hikes I've recorded, but for three weeks I was in Alaska and walking at least a mile a day up and down hill to go to breakfast and dinner, so I could add another 21 miles to this, for approximately 34 miles.)
August - 41.4 miles, 1035 minutes
September - 21.4 miles, 535 minutes
October - 17.6 miles, 440 minutes
November - 12.7 miles, 318 minutes
December - 25.6 miles, 640 minutes

Grand Total - About 323 miles

Goal for 2016 - Hike 52,000 feet in elevation gain. This works out to about 1000 feet a week. It might be a challenging goal since in December 2015 I only got about 2,530 feet elevation gain.