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Thursday, July 25, 2013

PCT Dreams!

My backpack is filled to the brim and I am ready for my first Pacific Crest Trail experience. My original plan for this summer was to spend a month hiking the Washington PCT. Then after a bit more research, I realized that was a lot to take on for a first time extended backpack trip, so I turned my gaze towards Oregon. My husband, John, was going to be working in Oregon anyways for the summer, so I figured it was kismet. Oregon is supposed to be the "easy" part of the PCT. Or maybe just "easier." Guess I'll find out in a couple days!
Tomorrow I'll take a bus and then a train down to Portland where I'll meet up with my cousin, Kelley. We'll explode our packs and figure out whose cooking system we're taking, which water treatment system will be best, and debate a two person tent versus two one person tents. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her. It has been years since we've hung out, (seriously, like probably 40!) although we reconnected in the past year when she moved back from the east coast to help care for her terminally ill mother. Now we both belong to the same terrible club that we never wanted to join, Cousins who have Lost a Parent to Cancer.

Saturday we'll stash a car at Olallie Lake, and then we'll be dropped at the PCT trail head at Santiam Pass by Kelley's husband. We'll spend the next five days making our way through arguably the most scenic section of the Oregon Pacific Crest Trail, the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Traverse. I'm an odd mixture of excitement, anticipation and anxiety. I've been dreaming and planning this for so long, and although the 44 miles we'll do is only a fraction of the 400 I originally wanted to do, I have a feeling it is going to kick my butt.

My biggest fear? The altitude. I'm going from sea level to 4,500 to 6,500 foot elevation. I'm also a little concerned about the Russell Creek ford we need to do.

But mostly I'm just excited about the scenes we will see, the conversations we will have, the other hikers we will meet. I'm excited to claim a portion of the PCT for myself. I have a feeling that Kelley and I will both join a new club, Hikers who Love the PCT.

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