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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fragrance Lake

Wanting a bit of a challenge, I head to the Fragrance Lake Trailhead off Chuckanut Drive across from Larrabee State Park. It is been a hike I've wanted to do for several months. I am facing a 1,000 foot elevation gain in 1.9 miles and I load the backpack with 3 liters water and my camp chair and head up. It starts off with short switchbacks, crosses over the Interurban Trail and continues on up. My heart rate increases but I persevere. Eventually I reach a sign where the trail split off to some viewpoints. Fragrance Lake is still 1.1 miles away. Mentally, I give a little groan. I'm already getting tired. Am I trying to overdo it?

I give myself some encouragement. You can do this, just keep going and take some little short breaks when you need to. You didn't get out of shape overnight and you won't get in shape overnight. Fortunately there are some strategically located log benches that I take advantage of occasionally. I consider dumping some of my water weight, but decide not to. I am trying to increase my leg strength, after all.

I pass through a log bicycle gate and the trail slopes down to the lake. Suddenly I can see it, and I stop at a little clearing next to the water and pull out my camp chair. I sit and eat my almonds and look at the water.

Fragrance Lake
It is a pretty little lake, but honestly, not as pretty as I expect from such a popular hike. And this is a popular hike. I've passed and been passed by many hikers. Eventually I pack up my camp chair, put on a bit of mosquito repellent and continue around the lake. I actually enjoy this part quite a lot. I love big interesting rock formations, and there are several I admire on my trek around the lake.
Cool rock formations
I start back up the trail but when I get to the log bike gate I turn left and take the Interurban Trail down. I'm not exactly sure where I will come out, but some friends suggested taking this trail down and I trust their advice. It is a steady downhill all the way, but a gentler grade than the trail I came up.
I'm probably not a whole lot faster than this snail

Interurban Trail
I turn a corner and get a pleasant surprise. A small waterfall splashes down and cools the air. Very refreshing!
Refreshing waterfall
Eventually I end up at a parking lot and I cross the road and go north until I see the Interurban Trail again and I take that until I see where the original Fragrance Lake Trailhead is and my car parked below. I made it! My legs are a bit sore but I'm glad to cross another hike off my list.

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